8 Women

8 Women (8 femmes2002)
Directed by François Ozon
France / Italy 

8 femmes (2002) - Main title

One murdered man, eight women, each seeming to be eager than the others to know the truth. Gimme, gimme, gimme some clues to make up my mind. And eventually enter the truth. Oh, thou cruel woman! (Imdb)

8 femmes (2002) - Catherine Deneuve
Gaby (Catherine Deneuve) smokes with a cigarette holder

8 femmes (2002) - Fanny Ardant8 femmes (2002) - Fanny Ardant
8 femmes (2002) - Fanny Ardant
Pierrette (Fanny Ardant) smokes with a cigarette holder

8 femmes (2002) - Virginie Ledoyen and Fanny Ardant
Suzon (Virginie Ledoyen) and Pierrette (Fanny Ardant)

8 femmes (2002) - Ashtray




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